I work in the online gaming industry and to be perfectly honest with you i would be contacting the gaming company in question. They should never have allowed that amount of money to be deposited in a 24 hour period without requesting documentation of ownership of card etc. Gaming operators have to act in a socially responsible way!
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Charging back online casino transactions is unethical!
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Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! I've heard from a few friends of mine that they've racked up large credit card debt due to playing at online casinos and what they did to handle this seemed very unethical to me. They told me that after the racked up this debt on their credit cards they'd call the credit card companies and request that these charges be reversed. They said that they managed to succeed in several cases. If you for example were to buy something keep the item that you purchased and then call the credit card company and told them that you didn't buy that item it would be considered stealing. I think that the same thing applies here... The idea that you can charge as much as you wanted on your credit card and then reverse it seems wrong and nothing short of theft. Anyways I told this to my friends and they didn't really acknowledge the idea that it's considered theft... What do people here thing about this? | |
Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:03 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! Charging back or reversing credit card transactions as related to online casinos has become a lot more difficult. Not only is it unethical but it can certainly lead to a lot of issues which I'll outline before. Working in the baking industry myself I know what some of these repercussions are both from the standpoint of the credit card companies, the banks and the casinos. 1.) If you charge back and you have a history of making credit card transactions that are related to gaming it's very unlikely that the bank will actually reverse the transaction. 2.) If you do charge back and are able to do so successfully (again very difficult to do these days) then you'll be listed as a higher risk user to the credit card companies. 3.) Casinos will definitely 100% blacklist you at the casino if you charge back and if you're luck and only if you're lucky you'd still be able to play at the casino but only by using deposit methods that are of '0' risk to the casino in terms of chargebacks. 4.) If you chargeback successfully there's a good chance that you'll be blacklisted on the entire casino software providers network. For example if you charge back at a Microgaming casino since they all share a negative database of users who have issued chargebacks in the past this information could be used to ban you globally across all Microgaming casino brands. There are several other reasons why you wouldn't want to charge back but these are merely to hightlight a few key points as to why I don't think it's a good idea to do so! | |
Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:17 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! Yeah speaking as someone with expereince whatever you do don't charge back it's not worth the headaches and hassles that it brings with it. The only time a charge back is worth committing is when the charge that has come though on your credit card genuinely isn't yours to begin with. Seriously don't do it if you can avoid it... | |
Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:53 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! Thanks everyone for your replies to my questions it's greatly appreciated... I've always felt like it wasn't worth it the whole charegback thing nor did I ever intend on issuing a chargeback myself I was merely more curious to know what people though of this situation. I definitely think it's wrong nor will I ever take such action unless the transactions I find on my credit card are genuinely fraudulent and charges that I never made to being with. | |
Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:46 pm | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! What the heck does a fax back form do for the casino. It's not like they can send that to a US bank. A cc user can't legally authorize a casino to deduct from their account because of the UIGEA, nor can they authorize the casino to mask the charges as merchandise purchases - that is money laundering. So what does this form really provide for the casino? | |
Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:47 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! Well my personal view on it is that it's more of a scare tactic. You are correct for transactions that are processed though the casino where they are being processed uncoded (ie. where 7995 is being bypassed) online casinos have no recourse. However the laws pertaining to the UIGEA are fairly ambiguous and because of that there are still several banks in the US that are not blocking 7995 coded online gambling related transactions. For those transactions that are processed legitimately though banks in the United States they do have recourse though the fax back form. I suppose the problem with charging back is that you never really know if the transaction is one that can be deemed legitimate or an uncoded transaction. Still my views are in line with those discussed herein. I don't think it's ethical to charge back transactions for money you did really spend. Especially when there's a chance it can come back around and bite you in the ass. | |
Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:29 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! So a copy of someones id and credit card, really won't help the casino either if the transactions are coded wrong. | |
Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:54 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! Yes that's correct however with transactions that are properly coded there is recourse for online casinos that can be taken with banks to issue legitimate claims. Since there's no way to tell for certain whether the transaction is coded or not it's really not worth it. Moreover credit card companies do not look fondly on people that charge back credit card transactions. | |
Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:27 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! I agree with what bugatto is saying here in that it's really not worth it. Especially in the long run you're really working against yourself if you make chargebacks on legitimate online casino transactions at online casinos or any other gambling type activities you might involve yourself in online. | |
Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:50 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! What about when the charge back is ligit? I am in the process of claiming in excess of £2000 that was deposited to a online casino from my bank account. I know 100% fact that i never made these transactions and the bank is making feel like a criminal. I have no history of using online or bricks and mortar casinos except for the odd online poker game that has never cost more than $10 or so. Does this mean I will get a bad credit rating? I dnt care about being banned from any casino because I dont use them. Your thoughts would be apreciated. Many thanks | |
Thu May 27, 2010 11:43 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! Its simply as this, don't make other transactions in your account that are not important and irrelevance to your concerns, the point of view of this statement its between your action and the result of the transaction in your account whether its your concern or not. | |
Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:53 pm | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! It is actually fraud and highly illegal because you are claiming that someone else has stolen your details and make those transactions without your approval. Its a risky solution which could get you into even bigger problems. Aaron www.highstack.co.uk | |
Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:35 am | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! hi i just got in an orrible situation with casinitital, do anybody knows if it is a us legally gambling site. My orrible experienced, the halcool did muck but the gambling addiction desises made it happen. I'v connected from italy my provisory 30days debit visa from BAmerica my account in Florida. Start making a few deposit, but whare strange, without 3dsecure visa pass. By the way y got in the casino net and they started pushing me to dep with promotions and gift, but i whasn't in my totally brain and conceus status. And the pushig activity by casino titan suppoprt, promotions, activityes brought me in a compleat status of illucinazation status. I start playng almost every game, turnament, bonus the feed me in s verey strange way with transactions never get to the end of the legal proces. I'm dualcytizen italian-usa, live in rome italy but have relatives and social security, driverr llicens, US bank accout in florida. .i'm I in the right to ask to dispute by my bank, that did.t stop such illegal end convulsivity deposit, did by me or by6 the sistem don't know how be sure, to ask for a compleat refund of alla the transaction, made illegal by the state where gambling is not allowed, because they used actions of peruising me to play in a very strange and irresponsable way. Can anybody help me, please? Godfrey | |
Sat May 11, 2013 11:21 pm | |
Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! | |
Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:02 am | |
Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:11 pm Posts: 1 | Re: Charging back online casino transactions is unethical! I recently used POSH VIP Casino, Do not use them, or any casino related to them. They are a bunch of scammers. I've used Silver Oak Casino and I believe they are related as well. I've never had a problem with Silver Oak. I'm at this point having to request a reversal because I tried to deposit one day and it gave me a generic error and when chatting I asked what to do. It happened a total of 3 times and I was told the money would not come out of my bank. The next day I go to use my card and I notice I'm down the exact amount of money that I would have been charged had the deposits gone through and then I go online and confirm that the three times it gave me an error and did not post to my account it charged my card. then they tell me its a pre authorization and will fall off even though while on one phone with them and one phone with the bank, the bank told me at the same time this is not an authorization is is a full on charge. I agree its very unethical for a player to charge back something they used but in my case I never got that opportunity. Now I am having to go through my bank to get my money back. Not only has this happened but when I've shown plenty of proof with screenshots from my bank, of course blacking out what is none of their businesses, they say thats not enough. Do not use Posh VIP Casino, they are scammers and I do genuinely hope that Silver Oak is not related to them. |
Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:17 pm |
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Cheats. Scammers. Liars.
In the casino world, these are usually terms used by the casino to describe players who are trying to game the system to their advantage. In fact, there are many television and movie productions that you have probably watched with these scammers as the subject.
However, in the online casino world, these terms can also be used to define a rogue casino – an operator that, for some reason, thinks it is ok to scam players out of their deposits. These low-life owners hide behind the anonymity of the internet, using whatever means necessary to attract players to their casinos, only to find every way imaginable to keep the money without ever paying out a dime.
As a site dedicated to bringing you the most honest, up to date reviews of casino sites, we pride ourselves in tracking down the worst of the worst. These rogue casinos end up here – our Casino Blacklist.

Now, it is important to note that this is truly (at least for now) a handful of bad seeds which are giving the rest of the industry a bad name. Sadly, as many of these clowns’ real names cannot be located, we are limited to telling you what brands to stay away from, as well as telling you to continue to post on sites like this when you come across something out of the ordinary. The online casino world has done an excellent job policing itself over the years; the more we call out these scammers, the less likely another player will fall victim to their trap.
What Defines a Blacklisted Casino?
At LegitGamblingSites.com, our team of reviewers checks every casino thoroughly for signs of a rogue operator. Here are some of the red flags that we look for when we are reviewing any online casino.
Payment Issues
The most common complaint from online casino players is that a casino is taking forever to send them their withdrawal or they aren’t paying them at all. It usually all goes the same way; a casino says the withdrawal can take up to 30 days to process, then excuses start about why the payment is delayed. Following that, either a partial payment is paid, or the money never shows up. Online casino players are savvy; many are used to these tricks and use public forums to call out the operators. However, the rogue casinos don’t care and will continue to steal money right from their loyal players.
Legitimate casinos tend to get licensed by a jurisdiction that gives players the security in knowing that the owners have been properly vetted and that their money is going to be safe. As with everything else in this industry, there are ways to get around this; some countries provide “licenses” that have far less stringent rules if any at all. In extreme cases, a rogue casino will slap a logo from one of these regulatory boards on their site without ever having gone through the application process.
Pirated Software
This one can be a little tricky to detect without an expert checking into it. Basically, an operator hacks the software to stop it from being controlled by the software vendor. This gives them the opportunity to use the software without paying for it, as well as being able to change the paytable configuration to whatever they want. A genuinely shady way to do business, you find these operators usually hiding out in Russian and the Ukraine.
“Too Good To Be True” Offers
We’ve all seen them: Deposit Bonuses of 300%, 400%, even 1,000%. So attractive e from the outside, but so unrealistic when it comes to actually clearing the bonus. Add in some brutal Terms and Conditions, and there is no chance you are able to cash out winnings from these offers. Many rogue casinos use these flashy types of promotions to bait you into joining their site; we are here to tell you that if an offer looks too good to be true, then it probably is. Stick to more manageable numbers when it comes to deposit bonuses.
Can A Casino Get off the Blacklist?
Let’s be clear: we don’t want to have a Blacklist at all. In our perfect world, everyone who is involved in the online casino business is on the up and up and no one is trying to scam you out of your money. However, the world just doesn’t seem to work like that, so here we are, chasing down the bad guys.
In some instances, some event happens which allows us, after time and consideration, to remove someone from this list. Typically, it involves a white knight; another site or owner that comes in and dealing with whatever issue transpired to get the casino on the Blacklist in the first place. We don’t hold our breath for too long with a rogue casino; the odds are that they will either go out of business or keep scamming you before they ever try to make it right.
The Blacklist
This is a list of the most notorious scammers in the online casino world. It is by no means a complete list (we continue to find rogue casinos all the time), but these are the sites you are most likely to come across that you should avoid at all costs.
Cyberrock Entertainment
Slow payers right out of the gate, the scammers of Cyberrock Entertainment have been in business for many years. They are based and licensed out of Curacao, a jurisdiction that tends to look the other way when it comes to business practices of their licensees. The company has had complaints of slow paying or not paying players for years; as a result, we cannot recommend any of these brands:
- 21Grand Casino
- Casino Fiz
- CrazyWinners Casino
- Euro Fortune Casino
- EZ Scratch
- Play2Win Casino
- Rockbet
- Slots Jackpot Casino
- SupremePlay Casino
- Tradition Casino
- Vegas Days Casino
AffPower Group of Casinos
One of the most blatant uses of pirated software comes from the AffPower Group of Casinos. They have a stolen copy of the Net Entertainment games, which they have in turn manipulated to give themselves a bigger house edge. These scum have also had many complaints of people not getting paid on their winnings. Stay away from any of these names:
- co.za
- Atlantic Casino (Club)
- Casino BluSky
- Casino Bordeaux
- Casino SuperLines
- Casino1 Club
- Cashpot Casino
- Company Casino
- Cosmik Casino
- Crazy Casino
- Deuce Club Casino
- EnzoCasino
- EuroMoon Casino
- Madame Chance Casino
- Magik Casino
- Magik Slots
- OceanBets Casino
- OrientXpress Casino
- Osiris Casino
- Park Lane Casino
- Ramses Gold Casino
- Slots500 Casino
- Times Square Casino
- Triomphe Casino
FutureBet Casinos
This band of rogues is slightly different than your usual cheaters. This is a casino software company that is not paying licensees, affiliates or players; as far as we are concerned, these guys are ruining it for everyone else. Here is a list of all the FutureBet casinos that you should avoid:
- Big Daddy’s Casino
- Doms Casino
- Empire Casino
- RioParty Casino
- US Star Casino
- 300 Chips
- Ace City
- Amco Poker
- Average Joe
- PokerTouch
- Stone Gaming
- Vegas 24
- Want My Poker
- Beach House Poker
- Don Poker
- Down Home Poker
- Dukes Palace
- Jack Daddy’s Poker
- Lucky River Poker
- Maya Gaming
- Open Table Poker
- Podium Poker
- Poker Syndicate
- Xtreme Bluff
- Poker Dealer
- Poker Eon
- Poker Poka
- Pokers DNA
- Poker Souls
- Star Online Gaming
- Stinky Fish Poker
- Texas Holdem Room
- The Golden Vegas
- The Poker Club
Ace Revenue Group
It is unreal how these idiots are still in business. Operating in Costa Rica since 1998, these guys are the real scum of the earth. Despite many software vendors refusing to take their business and years of players not being paid and being threatened by this company, they continue to run many brands. Real Time Gaming must be getting their bills paid by them as they seem to have turned away to avoid noticing how one of their licensees is purely in the business of scamming players out of their money. Here are all the Ace Revenue casinos on the market today:
The Ace Revenue Casinos include:
- 123 Slots Online
- Captain Jack Casino
- Club Player Casino
- Cool Cat Casino
- Dreams Casino
- Grand Fortune Casino
- Le Bon Casino
- Palace of Chance
- Planet 7 Casino
- Planet 7 Oz Casino
- Posh Casino*
- Prism Casino
- Raging Bull Casino
- RingMaster Casino
- Royal Ace Casino
- Ruby Slots
- Silver Oak Casino
- Slot Madness
- Slots Garden Casino
- Slots of Vegas
- The Virtual Casino
- Vegas Strip Casino
- VIP Lounge Casino
- Wild Vegas Casino
One of the most “popular” sites on our blacklist is Posh Casino. Being “popular” for being on a blacklist might sound cool if you were in a spy thriller, but in this context, it’s not a positive. The first red flag we ran into was that they withhold almost all information about their site and are invitation only.
Its possible Posh Casino is just doing that to “seem cool” but it seems like an extremely weird and sketchy business practice based on how the industry typically operates. We don’t like sketchy things because they have a history in the online casino industry of not being a good sign.
We also found several reports of client complaints against Posh Casino for not paying out in the allotted times they stated. When trying to research this, it was difficult because Posh Casino is not so open with their information.
It did look like a lot of these withdrawals were with e-wallets, which usually have no delays unless there is something sketchy going on behind the scenes. It’s our recommendation that you choose to avoid the Posh casino. Why choose a site that rubs you the wrong way when you have so many quality options to choose from regardless of where you live in the world?
Curgam Group
We aren’t sure where these guys are acquiring their email lists, or how they are still able to do this, but the Curgam Group are the most notorious email spammers left in the online casino world. They will fill up your inbox with offers that are bogus just to try to get you to join their casino. Once you are there, good luck trying to get your money back; they probably already spent it on bulk email services.
- 99 Slot Machines
- Mighty Slots
- Plenty Jackpots
- Real Vegas Online
- SlotLuv
Can You Get Your Money Back From Online Casinos
- Slot Nuts
- Slots Inferno
Gambling Federation
One of the most famous cases of a software company stepping into a situation between an owner and a player happened in 2005 when Gambling Federation reversed the winnings of a player at one of their licensees. This five-figure scam made it unclear as to the actual relationship between the operator and the vendor. This case was never resolved, and other complaints about Gambling Federation over the years have forced us to put their entire roster of casinos on this list.
- BlackJack Club
- Commodore Casino
- Pink Lady Casino
- Video Poker Classic Casino
- 707 Casino
- After Work Casino
- All Poker Games
- Amazing Video Poker
- Casino 3X
- Casino Alhambra
- Casino Freedom
- Casino Grande
- Major Slots
- Max Slots Casino
- Casino Italia
- Casino Mel
- Casino Poker Las Vegas
- Go 4 Millions Casino
- Golden Balls Casino
- Golden Star Casino
- It’s Las Vegas Baby Casino
- Jeux de Cesar
- K2 Casino
- Lady Luck Online Casino
- Lucky Gate Casino
- Magic Vegas Casino
- Maximus Casino
- Mickey’s Club Casino
- Casino
- Oceans Online Casino
- Online Casino Fever
- Pure Slots Casino
- Rich Club Casino
- Rockland Casino
- Royal City Casino
- Sizzling Slots
- Slots Express Casino
- Video Poker Saloon
- Winners Goldmine
Engage Entertainment Group (TopGame)
If the other vendor-operator relationships seemed cloudy, this one is downright fogged in. It sure looks like the Engage Entertainment Group are also the owners of the TopGame software (now named Pragmatic Play). Multiple complaints of slow play, along with some unlikely marketing (see the one player who won the same contest at 11 different sites…) has put these scammers right onto our Blacklist. Here are the Engage Entertainment casinos you need to stay away from:
- 7 Reels Casino
- 7 Spins Casino
- 21 Dukes Casino
- Bingo Canada
- Bingo for Money
- Bingo Hall
- Casino Hermes
- Casino Moons
- Crystal Spin Casino
- Diamond VIP Casino
- Europe 777 Casino
- Golden Palace Casino
- Grand Luxe VIP Casino
- Instant Bingo
- Kings Chance Casino
- Loco Jungle Casino
- Mona VIP Casino
- Paris VIP Casino
- Rich Casino
- Rome VIP Casino
- Slots Village Casino
- South Beach Bingo
- Sunset Slots Casino
- Thebes Casino
- Topaze Casino
- Vic’s Bingo
- Winward Casino
We all need to do our part to keep this industry honest; if you see something that just doesn’t sit right, then let us know via email, and we’ll investigate. Check back to this page often as we are always updating it with new information as it comes our way. Also, be sure to check out our ranked and reviewed online casinos that you can trust.
Skip the Headache – Choose the Right Online Casino Today
Getting scammed by a rogue casino sucks, we know that. That’s the reason this site was created – To find safe and secure online casino sites for all our readers.
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We’ve done the work so you don’t have to.
Below, we’ve listed the highest quality casinos you’ll find online. If you don’t want to risk losing both time and money with a rogue casino, then select one of our top recommendations below.
Our Top Recommended Online Casinos
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