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- Japanese
- スロットマシーンAM-7
- Rōmaji
- Surotto Mashīn Ē Emu Sebun
- Translated
- Slot Machine AM-7
Attribute | |
Type | |
Level | 7 |
ATK / DEF | 2000 / 2300 |
Number | 0449 |
Internal number | 0722 |
Password | 03797883 |
The machine's ability is said to vary according to its slot results. |

(list· galleries: en·fr·de·it·es·ja)
Set | Rarity |
Relinquished pack | Ultra Rare |
Yellow Eye of Wdjat pack | Common |
'Slot Machine' can also be obtained through sets containing a glitch card.
Vile: Whoof. Finally getting some updates out for this feels like a lead weight off my shoulders.
Kohaku: Feels good to finally be in motion again, too.
Plata: Si, we've all been talking about how you planned to keep this going when you focus a lot on new content for Arc-V.
Vile: Motivation is a fickle mistress. I wish I could control it so I could stuff done more easily.
Yuma: Don't we all.
Vile: Oh yeah, I gotta update you guys, too... *sweatdrop* Ugh, I hope I don't need therapy for this.
Nathan: Relax, buddy. We know you've got a lot on your plate.
Yuya: Yeah, while most of us gripe a lot, we can wait.
Kohaku: Definitely.
Vile: *sighs* Thanks, guys. Glad to see there's still some faith in me. All right, let's keep this going. Enjoy, everyone!
Level 013: The War Rages On! Quarrels and Surprises Everywhere!
Kohaku: Last time on Yu-Gi-Oh! GSTART, the whole school system was thrown into chaos as the School War got underway. Yuichi wasn't that bad a guy, though he did have a few issues at times when I countered his moves. Still, the guy pulled a real dick move by trying to barge in on something he wasn't even part of. Dizzy-kun and Doc-kun seem to be doing well, but Yoru-kun was lucky that Kire-chan showed up when she did. But now Plata-chan and Kowa-kun have their work cut out for them! It is ON!
*With Plata and Kowa*
*Field Recap*
Plata: Shortout Beetron, no facedowns
Kowa: AlphaMech VW-Tiger Catapult, 1 facedown
Enemies: Too many monsters to name
'Well… I have to admit, that was a pretty cool move.' The owner of the just-destroyed Radical Sky Catz and Turbo Flyer 'Skykat', identified through the AR system as Kenta, said. 'I guess I didn't give either of you enough credit. Though I do wonder: Just how did you pull that off in the span of seconds?'
'Well, that's a handy little story…' Plata said.
*Flashback* *Bold speech is someone narrating*
'Plata-chan, can you spare a card?' Kowa asked.
'No problem.' Plata said, handing him a card from her hand.
Kowa grinned. 'Plata-chan gave me her Monster Reborn, which I used to Special Summon AlphaMech W-Wing Catapult from my Graveyard.' Kowa narrated. He performed the Summon quietly enough, Summoning a blue machine that resembled two small and blocky jet planes stuck together with multiple small thrusters in the back.
AlphaMech W-Wing Catapult: Lv.4 LIGHT Machine/Union ATK:1300/DEF:1500
'Then I Summoned AlphaMech V-Tiger Jet after a draw.' Kowa drew a card from his Deck, putting him back at 6 cards for the moment. He Summoned said monster: A yellow-and-green jet whose front, landing gear, and tail were designed after a tiger's head, front paws, and back paws, respectively.
AlphaMech V-Tiger Jet: Lv.4 LIGHT Machine ATK:1600/DEF:1800
Kowa looked at Plata, who gave a thumbs-up and wink, with Kowa nodding after. 'With the stage set, I performed… Link-Up Fusion!' The two Machines rocketed into the air, with V-Tiger Jet flying directly above W-Wing Catapult. 'AlphaMech V-Tiger Jet and AlphaMech W-Wing Catapult were fused together to Special Summon AlphaMech VW-Tiger Catapult!' Lightning linked the two together before V-Tiger directly onto W-Wing, making them one monster.
AlphaMech VW-Tiger Catapult: Lv.6 LIGHT Machine/Fusion ATK:2000/DEF:2100
'That's where I came in.' Plata narrated. 'I Summoned Shortout Beetron right after.' She Summoned her mechanical bee with electricity sparking from its stinger.
Shortout Beetron: Lv.4 LIGHT Machine ATK:1400/DEF:300
'When Shortout Beetron was Summoned, it negated the effects of Turbo Flyer 'Skykat' since it was equipped to Radical Sky Catz!' That was when Plata and Kowa jumped out from the statue, and Beetron fired its electricity beam that malfunctioned the felines' jet.
'Then I activated VW-Tiger Catapult's effect, discarding a card to switch your monster's battle position.' Kowa took over the narration. He discarded the card, and missile bays opened on W-Wing, firing missiles that blasted and damaged the jet. 'And with that, I attacked for the destruction.' V-Tiger's mouth opened, firing the laser that eradicated the jet.
*End Flashback*
'Interesting…' Kenta said. 'I didn't think you had that kind of combo in you.'
'Once Kowa manages to get over his jitters, he turns into a Dueling genius.' Plata said, making Kowa smile at her.
'So… the wimp actually DOES have a spine.' Another voice said. Plata and Kowa spun around to see another opponent behind them, having two odd junky-looking robots. They both resembled elephants, but they had toilet tanks for heads, toilet seats for their big ears, toilet bowls for feet, and pipes making up their trunks.
Onborobo Toilephant x2: Lv.4 EARTH Machine ATK:1600/DEF:900
'You might have some courage in you, but I don't think you'll be able to stomach my next move!' This opponent raised his hand. 'I release both of my Onborobo Toilephants! Adobansu Shoukan!' The two odd latrines melted into what appeared to be disgusting brown sludge, converging into one puddle that seemed to keep growing in size until it was almost giant. 'Supress your excitement and your bladders, because this Duel is about to get crappy!' The odd substance began to bubble violently, a stench beginning to emerge from it. Then, it shot up like a geyser, what appeared to be arms emerging from it, before the substance turned solid and rounded, eyes shot open on it, and a huge disgusting mouth-
*Cut to Viewing Room*
The very sight of this thing on the projector made ME, Vile, spit out the Yoohoo I was drinking. Coughing up some of the chocolate drink (which was sadly wasted due to this), I managed to find my voice. 'What in the living hell?!' I shrieked. How in all of did this slip past my specially trained censors? They should know what truly needs to be taken out of a good anime! I immediately shot out of my seat and rushed toward the censors' room, smacking open the door. Naturally, the censors were confused. 'Did someone slip you guys a mickey or something?! Get out here and look at this!'
The censors, still confused, got out of their seats and followed me out. They quickly realized what I was talking about, as two of them threw up the minute they saw this... thing on the projector. 'What in the world?!' One of them cried.
'How on earth did we miss this?!' Another shouted.
'That's what I'm saying! I know you guys are way more lenient than 4Kids, but the implications of this thing aren't even subtle!' I yelled. 'Who among you thought it was a good idea to OK this sentient pile of sh-' I was tapped on the shoulder, making me turn around and see a secretary. 'Huh? What is it?'
'You'll want to read this.' She said, handing me a clipboard with papers, which I read over.
My eyes bugged out. 'Wait... The viewers actually LIKE this stunt...?' I gave a weird look to the censors, who mirrored my look.
'…Maybe there's been a spike in lovers of toilet humor?' One of the censors asked.
I looked at the secretary, who only shrugged. 'Okay... so the one thing I decide to axe, the viewers actually enjoy...' Awkward silence ensued for a brief moment before I finally found my voice again. 'Guys, huddle up.' The censors huddled to me, and I discussed a brief game plan with them. 'You got it down? Get going!' The censors quickly filed out of the room. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. We were so behind schedule now, and I had another dilemma: Whether or not to fire the idiots who added that scene without my OK. Whew... I needed a new Yoohoo. '…CUE THE FREAKING OPENING!'
*8 second intro*
Don't give up the fight! Play on!
(Background singer: Yeah! Play on)
Fight to reach your goal! It's on!
With every step you take you grow
Everything you do, big or small paves the road
Life's just a game that everyone has to play
Use what you learn, and you'll seize the day
Level yourself up, and you can make it through
(Background singer: Yeah! Play on)
There's a great big world, waiting for us!
All that is left is for us to Start the Gaaaaaame!
It is ON!
A massive tornado combined with a lightning storm ravaged the nearby area, wiping out an onslaught of monsters and sending their Duelists flying. In the center of it all were Aero and Electro, back in their Fubuki and Kamitsure attires.
Aero LP:3200
Electro LP:3500
All other Duelists LP:0 – ELIMINATED
'That was way too easy.' Electro said, dusting off her hands.
Aero still had his goofy smile on his face. 'The way those guys flew was just awesome…'
'Come on, Aero. We've got some players to hunt.' Electro said, starting to pull him along only for him to start following normally. However, after a while, Aero stopped again, looking around. 'Aero?'
An eerie laugh came from Aero as wind blew through his hair. 'Tell me, Electro… Why are we doing this again?'
Electro looked confused. 'Doing what?'
'This War… We know this fighting is pointless… So what's it for, heh heh heh heh…?' Aero chuckled.
The purple-haired girl sighed in annoyance. 'For the last time, Aero, we're doing this because-' She was cut off when she felt a sudden gust of wind through her hair, startling her. 'Eh?'
Her green-haired boyfriend leaned in close. '…The wind of tranquility has shifted…' He whispered as the wind blew their hair in a certain direction.
Electro understood what Aero meant, glancing in the direction the wind blew and smirking. '…We're doing this to prove that Alpha District is the top District in Sigma City. They'll know not to mess with us after this.' Aero chuckled, and the two teens moved on hand-in-hand. In the direction of the wind, the silhouette of Kuran Hiwatari could be seen staring at the two Sykonetyks' retreating forms, his eyes still in that seemingly-dead stare.
*With Plata and Kowa*
'Ugh… Madre de Dios… What is that disgusting thing?' Plata said, gagging. Kowa was fighting back the urge to throw up in the face of this… creature, which was a huge spherical blob of a strange brown sludge (at least most of the Duelists HOPED it was sludge) with two arms, no lower body, two huge eyes, and a mouth that had to be as large as its body, a multitude of yellow teeth within.
Grand Sludge King: Lv.8 EARTH Aqua ATK:2500/DEF:2500
'Who in their right mind made that card?!' Kowa griped.
Sludge's owner chuckled. 'You don't want to know. Grand Sludge King no kouka hatsudo! Once per turn, I can switch an opponent's monster to face-down Defense Mode!' The massive pile of garbage ripped a ball of sludge from off its body and chucked it straight up into the air. Plata and Kowa braced for the sludge ball to impact either of their monsters…only for the sludge ball to instead crash down on a Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz that another Duelist had out.
Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz: Lv.7 DARK Dinosaur/Fusion ATK:2600/DEF:1500
The black-armored dinosaur choked under the stench of the sludge and struggled under the weight, slamming to the ground and morphing into a face-down card. 'That Fusion Monster was an eyesore.'
'Eyesore'?! You've got a living pile of literal crap on your field!' Gaiodiaz's user snapped.
'What sort of fashion magazines do you read?!' A girl shouted.
A full-on argument started up between Sludge's owner and multiple other Duelists, leaving Plata and Kowa rather confused, merely staring. Even Grand King Sludge wasn't sure exactly what was happening. 'Ahem!' Plata and Kowa spun around, finding that Kenta already had a new monster on his field: A teenage human boy clad in blue armor with a large zigzagging blonde ponytail coming out of the helmet. Blue electricity crackled around his whole body.
Armored Striker Bluevolt: Lv.4 LIGHT Thunder ATK:1700/DEF:1400
'As admittedly weird and utterly disgusting as that was, we're in the middle of a war here.' Kenta said. 'So let's get back to business! Armored Striker Bluevolt, attack!' Beating his fists together, Bluevolt charged up electricity before firing it off in bolts.
'Tiger Catapult, take the hit!' Kowa declared. The combo machine moved in front of Shortout Beetron, making sure that it took every single spark of the attack.
'Bluevolt no kouka hatsudo! When it attacks a Machine-Type monster, it gains 1000 Attack Points during the Battle Phase!'
Armored Striker Bluevolt ATK:2700
The electricity finally overloaded the machine's systems before exploding. 'Kuso!' Kowa groaned as he shielded herself from the shockwave.
Kowa LP:1300
'I don't know why I thought you were a coward. You have less Life Points than she does, and you still took the hit!'
Plata LP:3400
Kowa then chuckled. 'Didn't Plata-chan tell you? When I get some backup…' His glasses flashed. 'I'm a genius! Magic Card, Dimensional Connection – VWXYZ, hatsudo! This card lets me shuffle any member of the V-to-Z series of AlphaMechs, 2 minimum, that I have banished back into my Deck, then Special Summon a Fusion Monster that lists those monsters as the Fusion Materials!' He took two of his banished cards out of his pocket. 'W-Wing Catapult! X-Head Cannon!' The blue double-jet plane re-emerged from an odd portal, and right after it was another machine: A blue-and-yellow robot with a humanoid upper body but a spiked spherical lower body, two big arms with big yellow armor patches sticking out, a finned metal head, and two cannons sticking out of its shoulders. 'Engage Link-Up Fusion!' W-Wing and X-Head flew parallel to each other, and a compartment opened up on W-Wing's top, which fired lightning that hit and drew in X-Head's base, which equipped into the compartment. 'Link-Up Complete! AlphaMech WX-Catapult Cannon!' X-Head's eyes flashed, and it pointed its shoulder guns forward.
AlphaMech WX-Catapult Cannon: Lv.6 LIGHT Machine/Fusion ATK:2200/DEF:1900
Kenta looked floored. 'Wait… WX?' He quickly brought up a screen on his Gamepad, frantically sifting through images. 'I've never heard of that combination before!'
'Yeah, those two shouldn't be able to combine like that!' Another Duelist said.
'A lot of time's gone by since the V-to-Z cards were made, and new combinations have come out.' Kowa said. 'And it's my goal to master them all! Magic Card, Dimensional Recycling – VWXYZ, hatsudo! Since I have at least two Fusion Monsters of the V-to-Z series in my Graveyard, I can banish them.' He took AlphaMech VW-Tiger Catapult and AlphaMech XY-Dragon Cannon from his Graveyard and put them in his pocket. 'Then, using their Materials, I can perform Link-Up Fusion again!' From odd portals, V-Tiger Jet re-emerged, as well as a red dragon-shaped machine. 'V-Tiger Jet! Y-Dragon Head! Engage Link-Up Fusion!' V-Tiger and Y-Dragon flew parallel to each other, V-Tiger on top, and compartments opened up on Y-Dragon's back and wings. Lightning came from the compartments and struck V-Tiger's base and front 'paws', drawing it in before the jet clacked onto the dragon's back. 'Link-Up Complete! AlphaMech VY-Tiger Dragon!' Both machines' eyes flashed, and the dragon let out a roar.
AlphaMech VY-Tiger Dragon: Lv.6 LIGHT Machine/Fusion ATK:2000/DEF:2200
'Awesome, Kowa!' Plata chirped. 'This fight's in our favor now!'
'You sure about that?' The owner of Grand King Sludge jeered, getting everyone's attention. 'Your monsters are still weak compared to my big lug! And now it's time I gave EVERYONE here a dirt nap! Grand King Sludge… mass-range attack!' The sentient gunk pile let out a loud gurgling yell as the puddle of slime began to churn, then with a ground-slam of both hands, the sludge surged into a massive 360-degree wave that began careening across the field.
Plata, Kowa, and Kenta's eyes bugged out of their heads. 'This may be a War, but that thing comes first! Trap Card, Spark Barrier, hatsudo! This card negates an attack since I control a Thunder-Type monster!' As the wave of sludge was incoming, Bluevolt fired lightning right past Plata and Kowa, which formed into a wall of electricity.
The sludge wave barreled down the field, swamping numerous monsters that the combatants had out. Some managed to resist it, but most were swept up, choked by the noxious fumes before they exploded. Several of the Duelists themselves tried running away from the wave, but the majority of them realized it was still AR, so they just stood there as the digital wave washed over them. The lightning wall, however, protected Plata, Kowa, and Kenta from it. A few of them were knocked out as a result. 'Hahahahahaha! That was awesome!'
'Not as much as this!' Kowa cried. Out of nowhere, two shots of yellow energy shot toward Grand King Sludge and struck the puddle underneath it, turning the puddle itself into the same energy. The pile of whatever had a fearful look before the energy surged up from underneath it, causing it to vanish.
'What the?' Its owner cried, realizing that Sludge was sent back to his hand. He then saw that WX-Catapult Cannon's cannons were smoking, and Kowa had a smirk on his face (as did Plata). 'Oh, man… I'm in trouble, aren't I?'
Slot Machine Yugioh Anime Duel
'Yep.' Plata and Kowa said.
'It came from this way!' Dizzy told Doc as they headed in the direction of the voices, their ice creams somehow not being lost.
'I hope we're not stumbling on something too private!' Doc said as he and Dizzy rounded a corner. The two boys came to a stop and tried listening for the voices. One caught Doc's ear, and he wordedlessly pointed, him and Dizzy following his finger. They peeked out from behind a bush and saw a girl stomping off with a clearly ticked-off look on her face. Her skin was fair, her eyes were dark gray (almost black), and her hair was long and a deep green color, though there were a few striking highlights of bright purple, red, and yellow, as well as a highly noticeable moon-shaped yellow lock hanging by her left cheek. She was wearing a white tank top with a black stormcloud taking up the chest area, blue rain coming from it, blue short shorts, ankle-length black socks, and matching black shoes.
'Stop, Sumiko!' The older female voice shouted. The girl, apparently named Sumiko, stopped with an angry sigh and turned around to face a woman in her low-mid 20s. They looked very similar to each other, with the older woman having the same skin tone and deep green hair, but her eyes were a much lighter gray (almost white), and her hair had no highlights, being solid green. This woman was wearing a long-sleeve sky blue shirt with a coat-tailed lavender jacket, a long white skirt, and green high-heeled shoes.
'For the last time, Aya, leave me alone!' The girl said.
'I'm your Onee-san! You don't call me by my name!' Aya shot back.
(Aya Tsukino Voice Actor: Katey Sagal as Turanga Leela from Futurama)
(Sumiko Tsukino Voice Actor: Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash from MLP: FiM)
'Ooh… sister quarrel.' Dizzy whispered.
Sumiko facepalmed. 'Listen, Aya-nee, I do not understand what your problem is!' She told her sister. 'So what if I'm taking part in this War?'
'It's senseless, Sumiko. I don't want to see you get hurt, or worse, lose any of your friends.' Aya said calmly. 'I may not be Kaa-san, but she trusted me to look after you.'
'There's a difference between looking after me and smothering me!' Sumiko shot. 'All I'm doing is Dueling to prove that Alpha District rules! What's so bad about that?'
'Have you seen how the students are reacting? They're turning into savages!' Aya said. 'This is what I had thought the minute things went wrong. Those ruffians, the Sykonetyks… they're trying to throw the whole city into chaos!'
'Looks like we're not the only ones who thought this was fishy!' Doc whispered to Dizzy.
Sumiko scoffed. 'I'll believe that when I see it. I'm staying in this War, Aya-nee, like it or not.'
Aya sighed. 'Stubborn as always, Sumiko… I guess I have no choice.' She held up a green Gamepad and typed a message.
Sumiko held up a sky blue Gamepad and was shocked at the message. 'Nani? A True Duel challenge?'
'I pulled a few strings to get instated in this fight. I did it for one reason: To knock you out of this War in case you wouldn't come along willingly.' Aya told her sister.
'You really think you can beat me?' Sumiko challenged. 'I've been Dueling way more than you have!'
'Don't underestimate me, Sumiko. I'm going to protect you even if I have to take you down.' Aya deadpanned.
The younger girl flared her nostrils. 'Fine! Bring it on, Aya-nee!' She tapped 'Accept', which made the screen change.
'TRUE DUEL ACCEPTED.' The AR system said. 'AR VISION, LINK ESTABLISHED.' An odd red field formed around them, Doc, Dizzy, and their other spectators, flashing once before fading. 'ARMISTICE FIELD IN EFFECT. ESTABLISHING LINK BETWEEN A AND B.' Aya and Sumiko's D-Gazers flashed, as did those of the spectators.
'This could be good.' Dizzy said, pulling out his video and starting his recording.
Nazoko Ikari was surrounded by multiple Duelists, but their monsters were incapacitated by a red gas that was making all of their eyes tear. Her Neo Dark Scorpions, however, were wearing gas masks and laughing their heads off. She had Kaiser Trip along with two new Neo Dark Scorpions: A young boy with hair that looked like an explosion with a dynamite belt going across his torso from shoulder to opposite hip, and another man with vibrant crimson hair and having all the gray parts of his outfit as a darker red (they appeared to be shoddy spray-paint jobs) than his catsuit.

Neo Dark Scorpion – Kaiser Trip: Lv.4 DARK Warrior/Base ATK:1800/DEF:1500
Neo Dark Scorpion – Bakumaru the Primer: Lv.3 DARK Warrior/Base ATK:1000/DEF:1200
Neo Dark Scorpion – Axel the Red: Lv.4 DARK Warrior ATK:1400/DEF:1500
'What pathetic excuses for monsters. You thought you stood a chance against me?' Nazoko told them angrily. 'I'll end this here. Neo Dark Scorpions, atta-!'
'Burning Red Finisher!' Another voice cried. From nowhere, two spiraling fireballs shot out and ravaged the field, obliterating every single monster and knocking out every single opponent.
All opponents LP:0 – ELIMINATED
'Nani…?' Nazoko breathed, her monsters having big sweatdrops of shock on their faces. All four of them snapped her head in the direction the fireballs came from and saw a tall red-and-white-garbed warrior with flames on his hands.
Pixel HERO – Red Blazer: Quality 4 FIRE Warrior/Composition ATK:2500/DEF:2000 3 Active Soul Towers
Nazoko looked past the monster and saw a face she didn't want to see: Kohaku's grin. 'Yudin…'
'You can thank me later, Nazo-chan!' He called out. All three Neo Dark Scorpions glared as Nazoko gritted her teeth, taking a stomp forward. Kohaku gulped. 'Bye!' Kohaku took off in the opposite direction, Red Blazer lifting his beret for a split-second before following.
Nazoko stared at him angrily before letting out an angry yell to the sky. 'DAMN YOU, YUDIN!'
Kohaku was laughing at he tore off down the road away from Nazoko, finally slowing to a stop by a street side. 'Hahahahaha, ahahahaha… Whew!' He panted, trying to catch his breath, Red Blazer also trying to calm down from laughing. 'Man… I sure have fun messing with Nazo-chan.' He looked thoughtful for a moment. 'Although… that might be why she won't be my friend. Hmm…' All of a sudden, he felt a glow in his pocket. 'Eh?' He pulled out the Silver Game Card, which was glowing. There wasn't a riddle in the lore box, but something about it told Kohaku to use it. He took off his Gamepad and inserted the card, which caused the World Map to appear. He selected World 1 and went back to the path, with his D-Vatar still standing on the World 1-4 space outside the castle.
Kukiran then flew in from nowhere. 'Oh, hi there! I'm glad you showed up! There's something I need to show you about this World. Follow me!' Kukiran then flew into the castle, Kohaku directing his D-Vatar to follow her. The screen then faded to black before showing the interior of the castle.
'Wow… fancy place.' Kohaku mused.
'This World was pretty linear so far, but now the path branches.' Kukiran said, directing Kohaku's attention to the path. His D-Vatar was standing on a yellow space with three paths. 'The one directly ahead is World 1-5, but the other two? Hee hee, those are Bonus Games! You don't have to beat them to get through this World, but once they're unlocked, you can play them at any time! Come on!' Kukiran took the left path, which went up a nearby flight of stairs, Kohaku's D-Vatar following. Both of them stopped on a red space with a sign next to it. 'Unlike the normal games, Bonus Games always have their riddles visible. Once they're solved, they'll be open. Check it out.' Kohaku zoomed in on the riddle.
A shy one wanting to master the five
While almost about to take a dive
Will shock by giving old a new spin
Then World 1-A's game will soon begin.
'Hmm… this is a good one.' Kohaku said.
After a short moment, though, Kukiran spoke. '…Oh! I didn't see this before! This riddle's already been completed!' She gestured at the space. 'A locked Bonus Game is black, but it turns red when unlocked. Whoever they are, someone must've done this for you!' The door on the wall next to the space opened up, showing a gate, and the sign morphed into an AR screen with more words.
World 1-A: Jester Jugglers
'Awesome! This should be fun!' Kohaku said. 'It is O-'

'Wait!' Kukiran said, startling Kohaku's D-Vatar and making it fall over. 'I should tell you this first: The games here, except for the last one, have three Silver Coins in each of them. Not even I know what they're for… maybe you'll be able to find out!'
'It's worth a shot to try it! It is ON!' Kohaku said, pressing A and making his D-Vatar jump into the gate, Kukiran flying in after it.
The gate widened and changed to look like a new AR screen, which showed Kohaku's D-Vatar standing in the middle of what appeared to be a medieval plaza, with another D-Vatar dressed in a jester outfit and a crowd of D-Vatars surrounding them. Kukiran then flew in. 'All right, so you decided to try World 1-A! This jester D-Vatar is part of the challenge.' The jester bowed before pulling out six plush balls and juggling them. 'As he juggles those balls, he's going to start throwing them at you. Button commands will appear on-screen, which, if matched, will catch the balls and throw them back. During this, you'll also get three sequences to match. At the end of the third sequence, the game will be over! If this was in a Duel, you'd draw a card for each sequence you completed. But be careful! If the jester loses all six of his balls, the game is over automatically! Good luck!' Kukiran flew off, then the D-Vatar faced the jester, who nodded with a smile.
A steady rhythm of music began to play, and the jester started hopping from foot to foot as he juggled. Then, the balls began being tossed into the air at a steady speed. Button prompts began appearing on-screen. 'Easy!' Kohaku matched each prompt, making his D-Vatar catch each ball and return them to the jester. The pace started getting picked up, making Kohaku move a little faster to match each prompt. As he kept juggling, the jester suddenly looked up. Kohaku's D-Vatar looked after him, seeing a circular glowing object lower itself into view. 'That must be… a Silver Coin!' The jester conversed to Kohaku's D-Vatar in their language, getting a nod from Kohaku's D-Vatar, and then it merged the smaller balls into a larger plush ball, with a three-button sequence prompt. Kohaku quickly followed the sequence, and when it was finished, the jester tossed the larger ball, which Kohaku's D-Vatar knocked into the air with a kick. The ball impacted the Coin and knocked it out of the air, and both were caught by the jester before it tossed Kohaku's D-Vatar the Coin. It did a jumping spin before holding the Coin above its head.
Silver Coin Get!
'Yosh!' Kohaku chirped. The jester separated the larger ball into the smaller set and started juggling them again. The pace got a bit faster as the balls were tossed at Kohaku's D-Vatar, Kohaku matching the prompts to keep the volley going. Then, another Silver Coin floated into view, and the jester merged the balls once again. This time, a four-button sequence appeared. Kohaku worked quickly to match it, but he did it, and his D-Vatar kicked the larger ball into the air, knocking the Silver Coin down into the jester's grip, who tossed it to Kohaku's D-Vatar.
Silver Coin Get!
'All right! One more to go!' The jester brought the smaller set of balls out again, then he hopped in place twice as the beat got even faster. The pace was tough for Kohaku to keep, and he actually lost one of the jester's balls, making it frown.
Balls Left: 5
Finally, after a bit of juggling and catch, the final Silver Coin floated into view. 'There it is!' Retrieving the ball it lost, the jester merged them into the larger ball, and this time, the sequence was six buttons. In spite of the pace, Kohaku was able to match the sequence, and the final kick knocked the Silver Coin out of the sky, the jester throwing it to Kohaku's D-Vatar.
Silver Coin Get!
The camera panned out as Kohaku's D-Vatar and the jester took bows, then Kohaku's D-Vatar began jumping with a closed-eye smile. 'Yatta, ha ha!' The jester was clapping for it.
Kukiran then flew back into the area. 'Nice job! If this was a Duel, that would've been good for drawing 3 cards!' The AR screen faded to white, and Kohaku's D-Vatar jumped back through the gate into the castle. Kukiran followed right behind, and the red circle for the game turned blue. Then, a glow came from the D-Vatar, and the three Silver Coins flew out. 'Wow! You got all three Silver Coins in that game!' The coins then flew up and zoomed in so Kohaku could see them clearly, and their glow dissipated, revealing that there was a symbol on each Coin: The Greek letters Kappa, Lambda, and Mu. They zoomed out again, and 24 empty slots in a Silver Coin Table appeared, the Coins being placed in three of them.
Silver Coins Collected: 3/24 (Kappa, Lambda, Mu)
'Whoa… What do you think these things are for?' Kohaku wondered, sending the same message to Kukiran through his D-Vatar.
'I really don't know… I don't even know that much about this place myself. All I know is that there are other worlds in the Silver Game Card.' Kukiran replied. 'All either of us can do is wait until more of the games are completed, I guess. Hopefully the next game gets unlocked soon. See ya later!' The fairy flew off into the sky. However, not long after she did, another sign appeared over the space that would've been World 1-5. Zooming in, he read the riddle.
In the chaos known as war
Friend and foe is blurred.
When pixels clash with equal might
Get lost in the 1-5 World.
Kohaku scrunched his face in disgust. 'Yikes. Whoever wrote this failed Creative Writing class.' He said. 'That ending doesn't even fit with the rest of the poem. They're really trying to hard for these, whatever they're supposed to be for.' He cancelled Game Mode, ejecting the Silver Game Card. 'Still... if not even Kukiran knows what secrets this thing holds… what the hell is in store for ME?'
*With Plata and Kowa*
'Plata-chan… How did we end up in this situation?' Kowa asked.
'I… have no idea.' Plata replied. She and Kowa manage to take care of Kenta and Grand King Sludge's owner, but they found themselves facing yet another onslaught of monsters from all sides. VY-Tiger Dragon had since bit the dust, but WX-Catapult Cannon was still there. Plata had also since Summoned Melter Mouth, but it wasn't like it was doing much good against the crossfire, which had monsters of all walks of life.
Melter Mouth: Lv.4 FIRE Machine ATK:1600/DEF:500
'Time's up, Delta Dolts!' One of the opponents said. 'You should've thought twice before thinking numbers meant everything! It's all a game of luck!'
'Did someone say 'game of luck'?' A voice spoke up. Plata, Kowa, and several of the others turned to see a face familiar to the former two: Ginju, a cocky smirk on his face.
(Ginju Akakuro Voice Actor: Jack DeSena as Sokka from Avatar: TLA)
'Well… another Delta coming to the party? I don't see any monsters anywhere!' One of the opponents jeered.
'Oh, he'll be here in just a second. The poor guy's a little sluggish.' Ginju said. Sure enough, a bit of rumbling was heard, and with the destruction of an AR building, Ginju's monster emerged: A large, bipeal, golden robot with two odd pointed objects on its top, a dark dome-shaped head, a right arm like a cannon, massive legs, and most notably, three slot reels on its chest (currently set at question marks) with a lever on its left shoulder.
Slot Machine: Lv.7 DARK Machine ATK:2000/DEF:2300
A lot of the opponents started laughing. 'This is what we were waiting for? An old Normal Monster?'
'That thing doesn't have nearly enough Attack Points to handle us!' Another one cried.
'Uh… they REALLY shouldn't be saying that…' Kowa breathed.
'What do you mean?' Plata asked.
'You haven't seen Ginju-kun Duel, have you?' Kowa asked, getting a negative head shake. 'Just… watch.'
Ginju flashed his pearly white teeth, which gleamed, and picked three cards from his hand. 'Slot Result – Lightning san tai de, Tokushu Shoukan!' Three odd machines that resembled forward-bent rectangular yellow frames emerged, which moved in front of Slot Machine and clacked overtop of its reels.
Slot Result – Lightning x3: Lv.7 DARK Machine ATK:0/DEF:700
Then, Slot Machine grabbed its level and pulled, causing its reels to start spinning. All three of the frames then glowed briefly, and each reel stopped one-by-one, all of them showing a lightning bolt symbol. Flashing lights came from Slot Machine's body. 'JACKPOT!' Ginju cried.
The opponents were confused. 'Here it comes!' Kowa said.
'Slot Result – Lightning no kouka hatsudo! Since I control 3 of them, I can activate one of my special jackpot cards from my Deck!' A card slid out from Ginju's Deck, which he grabbed with another flash of his teeth. 'Magic Card, Lightning Fever!, hatsudo!' The reels began flashing, and Slot Machine's cannon arm began channeling energy. 'When this card is activated, all of my opponent's monsters are destroyed!' Slot Machine pointed its cannon to the air and fired a powerful blast of lightning to the spot directly above all the crossfire. The blast converged into a massive ball of electricity before completely exploding, raining down lightning all over the crossfire. Every single monster that wasn't owned by a Delta student was struck down and eradicated by the storm.
'Impresionante (Awesome)…' Plata breathed.
'I don't believe it… He cleaned us out just like that!' One of the Duelists cried.
'And that isn't all! Since I activated Lightning Fever!, it goes back to my Deck and my Slot Results are destroyed, but their effects return them to the Deck, too!' All three frames dislodged themselves from Slot Machine and returned to Ginju's Deck, which he also did to Lightning Fever!. His Deck then auto-shuffled. 'To top it all off, my Slot Results let me draw a card whenever they bite the dust!' He drew three cards.
'What kind of broken Deck is that?!' An opponent cried.
'Hey, the way it kills my hand, I need this compensation!' Ginju retorted, moving to stand by Plata and Kowa. 'You two mind helping me clear out the riffraff?'
'You don't have to ask us twice!' Plata chirped, feeling chipper already.
'Count me in!' Kowa said.
'Hey, can we get in on this?' Another Delta asked.
'The more, the merrier!' Ginju said.
'Melter Mouth!' 'WX-Catapult Cannon!' 'Slot Machine!'
They were completely cut off as a wave of AR fire surged through the area, wiping out throes of the other Districts in a single shot. As the flames died down to mere embers, Plata, Kowa, and Ginju had dumbfounded looks. 'N-Nanda…?!' Kowa cried. 'What the heck was that?'
As if on cue, the three of them all got a message on their Gamepads: 'You're welcome. –Pyro'
Plata gasped. 'P… Pyro…?'
'Pyro'? As in that Sykonetyk jerk from our District that Hiroki told us about?' Ginju asked.
'Well, we can't blame him for helping us. He IS a Delta like us.' Kowa said.
'Maybe… but he definitely doesn't have MY trust.' Plata said, her face serious. 'Ginju, Kowa, I'm going off on my own. I'm gonna track down this Pyro and see if I can get some answers.'
'You sure you can handle going solo, Plata-chan?' Kowa asked, only to get a light head knock from Ginju.
'Think about who you're talkin' to, Kowa.' Ginju told him playfully. Kowa sweatdropped. 'But Kowa is right to be worried. Keep your eyes peeled for a Restore Station. You're gonna need it.'
'Check. Kowa, you stick with Ginju so you still have backup.' Plata said, getting a nod from Kowa. 'See ya later, guys!' Plata turned and took off in the direction that the mysterious fire came from while Kowa and Ginju went another way. 'Don't go too far, Pyro… I want answers!'
Kohaku was walking towards a different Restore Station on the radar, rather tired. 'Whew… finally. Now I can get back up to speed.'
However, hiding behind an alley nearby were familiar faces: Geo's gang of Beta students. 'There he is, boys. Chiro's gonna make us famous at school for sure!'
'So how are we gonna do this?' Another Beta asked.
'Easy. We bring out our signature lockdown combo, surround him, and take him down like a pissed-off swarm of Killer Needles!' The third one said.
'Hang on a sec.' A fourth Beta drew a card and grinned. 'Yep, I've got my part in this!'
'This is gonna be a blast, ain't it?'
'You got that right!' The Betas started laughing, but the leader cut them off. 'Wait a minute… Did someone's voice change?' The Betas looked confused, and the leader started counting. 'Ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku, nana…' His finger came around to himself. '…Hachi? Aren't there supposed to be seven of us?'
'That is weird, don't you think?' The same voice asked. The seven Betas turned to the source… only to see a big shadow behind the owner.
Kohaku had to hold himself against the side of a building to catch his breath. 'Man… I was more tired than I thought.'
His head shot up at the sound of an explosion and seven voices yelling. He saw the seven Betas fly out of the alley, dazed.
All seven Betas LP:0 – ELIMINATED
'Nanda?' Kohaku cried. He then saw an eighth figure walk out after them: A somewhat portly boy about his age, brown eyes, and buzzed hair of a midnight blue color. He was wearing a brown polo and white pants with pink polka dots, as well as yellow shoes (making Kohaku think he looked kinda geeky). A blue cap (not a baseball cap) was on his head, and a ring was hanging around his neck by a lanyard. His D-Controller was gold-colored, with the card tray resembling a hook or the end of a cane of some sort.
The boy noticed Kohaku and smiled. 'Hey there, man. Just figured I've save your butt.'
'Thanks… I guess.' Kohaku asked. 'Uh… who are you?'
'Oh yeah, bad way to introduce myself, heh heh.' The boy asked, rubbing the back of his head. 'Name's Phil Stewartson.' He held up three fingers. 'The Third, that is.'
(Phil Stewartson III Voice Actor: Dred Foxx as PaRappa the Rapper)
'Phil Stewartson…' Kohaku breathed. '…Never heard of him.' Phil face-faulted in response. 'That aside, though, you seem like a cool guy.'
Phil picked himself up off the ground. 'You too, uh…'
'Kohaku. Kohaku Yudin.' Kohaku told him.
'Gotcha.' Phil said, rubbing his chin. 'Let me guess: You're not from my District, are you?'
The two scrutinized each other for a moment, confident smiles on both of their faces. 'Come on. Let's hit the Restore Station. No reason to sneak attack each other.' Phil said.
'After you.' Kohaku said with a thumbs-up. Phil turned and started walking off, Kohaku behind him.
'This guy's no enemy of mine.' They both thought at the same time, Phil glancing back at Kohaku.
*7 second music*
I will not lie down, roll over
*3 second music*
I will not just let it by
*3 second music*
I will fight for what is right, yes I will not just let it go-oh
You may think you got this won but I still got till the clock's zero
I will not let this end here there's too much riding on this now
With my friends here by my side I will not let you tear me down
Give me one more quarter now 'cuz now's not when I take my bow
There's still time, I still got breath, so here's where I continue now
Cleo: I hate perverts like you… I'm taking you down!
?: Oi, lay off! I'm not bugging you!
Sumiko: Prepare to feel my storm, Aya-nee!
Aya: Your storm will be quelled before me!
Kohaku: Dude, your cards are almost like mine! What gives?
Phil: I guess we'll see just whose Deck is better!
Kohaku: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! GSTART: 'Triple True Duel! Settling Conflicts With Cards!' It is ON!
Author-Made Cards
Shortout Beetron
Level 4 LIGHT Machine
When this card is Summoned: Target 1 monster equipped with an Equip Card(s); negate the effects of all Equip Cards equipped to it.
Onborobo Toilephant
Level 4 EARTH Machine
You can send this face-up card you control to the Graveyard to target 1 face-up 'Junk Robot' monster you control; it inflicts piercing battle damage this turn.
Grand Sludge King
Level 8 EARTH Aqua
This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls. Once per turn, you can target 1 monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position.
Armored Striker Bluevolt
Level 4 LIGHT Thunder
If this card attacks a Machine-Type monster your opponent controls: This card gains 1000 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase.
Neo Dark Scorpion - Bakumaru the Primer
Level 3 DARK Warrior/Base
Once per turn: You can activate a 'Scorprank' Trap Card during the turn it is Set.
Neo Dark Scorpion - Axel the Red
Level 4 DARK Warrior
Effect Currently Unknown
Slot Result - Lightning
Level 7 DARK Machine
Cannot be Summoned if you do not control a face-up 'Slot Machine'. If you control a face-up 'Slot Machine': You can Special Summon this card (from your hand). While you control this card, you cannot Summon any 'Slot Result' monsters, except 'Slot Result - Lightning'. If you control 3 'Slot Result - Lightning' while you control a face-up 'Slot Machine': Activate 1 'Lightning Fever!' from your hand, Deck, Graveyard, or Banished Zone. If you do not control a face-up 'Slot Machine': Destroy all 'Slot Result' cards you control. If this card is removed from the field: Shuffle it into your Deck, then draw 1 card.
AlphaMech WX-Catapult Cannon
Level 6 LIGHT Machine/Fusion
'AlphaMech W-Wing Catapult' + 'AlphaMech X-Head Cannon'
Must first be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by banishing the above cards you control. (You do not use 'Polymerization'). By discarding 1 card from your hand, return 1 face-up monster your opponent controls to its owner's hand.
AlphaMech VY-Tiger Dragon
Level 6 LIGHT Machine/Fusion
'AlphaMech V-Tiger Jet' + 'AlphaMech Y-Dragon Head'
Must first be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by banishing the above cards you control. (You do not use 'Polymerization'). Discard 1 card from your hand to flip 1 facedown monster your opponent controls face-up (Flip Effects are not applied).
Dimensional Connection - VWXYZ
Normal Spell Card
Target any of your banished 'AlphaMech V-Tiger Jet', 'AlphaMech W-Wing Catapult', 'AlphaMech X-Head Cannon', 'AlphaMech Y-Dragon Head', or 'AlphaMech Z-Metal Caterpillar' with different names (min. 2): Shuffle them into your Deck, and if you do, Special Summon 1 'AlphaMech' Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists the shuffled monsters as Fusion Materials, ignoring its Summoning conditions.
Dimensional Recycling - VWXYZ
Normal Spell Card
Target any number of 'AlphaMech' Fusion Monsters (min. 2) in your Graveyard that list any combination of 'AlphaMech V-Tiger Jet', 'AlphaMech W-Wing Catapult', 'AlphaMech X-Head Cannon', 'AlphaMech Y-Dragon Head', or 'AlphaMech Z-Metal Caterpillar' as Fusion Materials: Banish them, and if you do, Special Summon 1 'AlphaMech' Fusion Monster whose Fusion Materials are listed among any of the banished monsters' Fusion Materials, ignoring its Summoning conditions.
Lightning Fever!
Normal Spell Card
Cannot be activated, except through the effect of 'Slot Result - Lightning'. Destroy all monsters your opponent controls. Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this card's effects. Afterwards, destroy all 'Slot Result - Lightning' you control, then shuffle this card into your Deck.
Spark Barrier
Normal Trap Card
When your opponent declares an attack while you control a Thunder-Type monster: Negate that attack.
World 1-A: Jester Jugglers
1-Player Game Card
This game is accessed through 'World Map'. When the jester tosses the balls, press the buttons that appear on the prompts to throw them back. If a prompt is missed, 1 ball is lost, and if all 6 are lost, the player loses. At the end of each sequence, match the final prompt to gain 1 Bonus Counter. After 3 sequences, the game ends, and the player draws 1 card for each Bonus Counter they gained.
Vile: Set-ups are in place for more Dueling action. *cracks knuckles* This is gonna be good.
RK777: You ain't kidding. *surprises all in viewing room* I've been waiting for this for a long time.
Vile: How'd you get in here?
RK777: Slipped in just as Aya and Sumiko were about to Duel. *throws a couple popcorn pieces into mouth* BTW, I found that troll who slipped in Sludge King. Sent him crying to mama for ya.
Vile: Thanks, even though it actually ended up boosting the ratings. *shows RK the ratings* Can't exactly say I liked it in spite of that, though.
RK777: Right? Anyway, hope you don't mind if I settle in for the next part, seeing as my boy's about to strut his stuff.
Vile: No prob. I've always got a seat open. *to readers* Oh yeah, sidenote: That guy Phil at the end? RK made him.
Slot Machine Yugioh Anime Cards
RK777: As well as a certain related person who appears next time, but I'll explain that more next time.
Vile: Yep, that'll be for next chapter. If you guys liked this chapter, leave a review for me, and for cryin' out loud, give RK a little love. I've given him so many plugs that I'm running out of outlets. XD Ja ne for now!
Computer Voice: Vile, logging out.